Saturday, August 18, 2007

Commercial Finance Solutions

Increase the Success of your Business:

FACTORING....the most powerful commercial finance tool available to small and mid-size business owners. Factoring provides your company with immediate cash advances upon invoices that you normally would wait 30, 45, even 60 or 90 days to collect. Factoring allows your company to seek business from large, creditworthy customers that demand extended terms of payment when you perform work or deliver products. Because your credit history is of a secondary nature to factors, this financing tool is the method of choice for young, start up companies unable to obtain lines of credit from banks and more traditional lenders.

INVENTORY FINANCE....often working hand-in-hand with accounts receivable factoring, Cash-4-Notes maintains a database of ready lenders for small business inventories.

ASSET-BASED LENDING....for larger companies with extensive credit histories, asset-based lending (revolving lines of credit against inventory and accounts receivable) can provide capital solutions for working capital and growth.

EXPORT IMPORT TRADE FINANCE....becoming more important to small business owners now exploring the competitive advantages of overseas contract manufacturing, Cash-4-Notes can provide expert solutions in the areas of purchase order finance, international factoring, and trade finance.
Give us a chance to help you at or